Event Scoring


The following will be awarded to Battle teams based upon their accumulated point total at the end of the competition.

    • Overall Champion Trophy
    • 1st Runner-Up (Division 1 & 2) Trophy
    • 1st Runner-Up (Division 3 & 4) Trophy
    • 1st Place Rookie Team Plaque

Spirit Award(s) will be given to a team(s) who demonstrates the spirit of Special Olympics, shows unique team support & exemplifies the ideals of sportsmanship.

Battle Bucks Plaques are awarded to teams reaching their division goal as follows:

    • Division 1 goal is $2,500
    • Division 2 goal is $2,000
    • Division 3 goal is $1,500
    • Division 4 Goal is $1,000

Award ribbons will be given out to all teams unless they have requested not to receive them on their Battle Registration Form. Ribbons will be awarded to team members participating in an event in which that team places 1st, 2nd, or 3rd overall.

Division 1 & 2 ribbons & Division 3 & 4 ribbons will be awarded to team members participating in an event in which that team places 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

The team can only receive one ribbon per event. The ribbons will be awarded using the same priority as the final awards (overall then division).

Note: All four Divisional trophies & ribbons will be awarded if justified by the number of teams registered.

Point System

A team shall receive points for every event according to the place that they finish (as listed below). In the case of a tie, place points will be added together and divided between those teams involved in the tie. The team with the most points at the conclusion of the Battle of the Businesses shall be declared the Overall Champion.  The chart below illustrates the points available by placement.

* Disqualifications and No Shows will receive 0 points

Participation Points

Participation points (equal to one half the value of the next place after the last complete participating team) will be awarded to any team participating with fewer than the required number of participants in accordance with the following chart:

Generated by wpDataTables

Sand Volleyball and Tug-of-War Scoring

For Sand Volleyball and Tug-of-War, where tournament brackets are used, team places will be determined at the conclusion of the competition. All teams losing in the first round of Tug- of-War will be awarded a fixed number of points depending on whether the team wins or loses its consolation match/tug. The number of points will be an average of all points available to teams similarly situated, i.e. one or two losses. For Sand Volleyball and teams winning in the first round of Tug-of-War will be awarded a final number of points based on the success of the team by which it was defeated. Working back through the brackets, based on the final results, teams will be awarded points. For example, in a 4 team tournament, 3rd place is awarded to the team that loses to the eventual winner.