Event Record: Reynolds & Reynolds – 111 Points – set in 2022
- Each participating team shall consist of FOUR coed team members.
- If a team member does not show or is late:
- The team may substitute for the missing participant using the normal substitution procedure. Once a substitution is made, the substitute must complete the event.
- If no substitution is made, a late participant must begin at the cornhole board their team is tossing at and may not catch-up any missed cornhole boards regardless of when the late participant arrives.
- Each team will start at cornhole board #1 and progress through the next 9 boards as a team. Each team member will throw 1 bag at each board. Scoring increases progressively as cornhole board distance increases. See scoring chart below.
- Mulligans: A participant may choose to redo a toss at a cornhole board by using a mulligan ticket. A participant may only use one mulligan ticket during their round of 10 boards. Mulligan tickets will cost $5.00 (with all money going directly to Special Olympics) and will be available for purchase at the Coach’s meeting and all Battle events prior to the start of the Cornhole Ladder event.
In order to use a mulligan, the participant must present the volunteer with his/her ticket immediately after he/she has finished tossing at the board and says that he/she would like to redo the toss.
Once the mulligan ticket is presented, then the score that the participant receives on their second attempt will be the score recorded.
- Zero points will be awarded for any throw in which the participant’s foot or leg is touching or crossing the start line.