Event Record: NCR – 1:09.97 – set in 2005
- Each participating team shall consist of EIGHT coed team members working together in groups of four (2 men and 2 women) in a two-leg relay to advance the skis 25 yards.
- Four team members will begin the event standing on the skis behind the starting line. Each team member must be standing with one foot on each ski. Four ropes will be attached to each ski. The four-team members must pass through the entire exchange zone before continuing through the course to the exchange line 25 yards away. At the halfway point there will be pylons offset 20 feet (see diagram). The skiers must travel between the offset pylons before continuing on to the exchange zone.
- The remaining four-team members will be positioned at the exchange line. The groups of four will exchange positions once the first group and the skis have completely crossed the line. The second group of four must advance the skis back through the course, including traveling through the offset pylons before proceeding to the start/finish line.
- The time will stop when the skis, with all four team members standing on them, completely cross the line.
2 seconds: For each time a participant touches the ground while attempting to advance the skis
5 seconds: For failing to advance the skis completely across the line prior to the exchange

Team Ski Specs:
- Team ski’s are made from 2 separate 8′ long 2×6 planks
- Holes will be drilled at the lengths below:
- Nylon ropes are knotted and pulled through the holes to about 4′ of length above the boards as shown in the event image.